The story

What is Odalys?

Odalys is a company dedicated to the auction, diffusion, sale and exchange of art for more than 30 years. It needed to carry out the activities with its customers no matter where they are in the world or what device they use, without having limitations of time or place in specific.

Some of the challenges were...

Make the real-time auction perform well and be secure. It was also a challenge to integrate direct purchasing into a system that, in the first instance, was focused on auctions. All this brought with it the implementation of administrator modules and payment, shipping and contact functionalities for end users.


Art auctions

Purchased service

Web platform and administrative modules for managing activities on and off the platform.

Main challenge

Real-time control of auctions

The administrative modules allow Odalys to have control of the operations performed in the auctions both online and in the traditional way. We also implemented services of direct sales and exchanges through the platform, this allows an access to their catalog from any device and sending exchange requests in the same way.

<p><strong style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Angular</strong></p>


Angular is a tool for developing web applications capable of scaling from small projects to enterprise platforms.

<p><strong style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-color: rgb(6, 6, 6);">Firebase</strong></p>


Firebase is a set of backend cloud computing services and application development platforms provided by Google

In conclusion

We use a real-time database along with reactive scheduling tools for a true auction experience. This way you can have an accurate control of daily activities and get periodic reports for future analysis.