The story

What is Global C&D?

Global C&D is a holding company specialized in the development, consolidation and promotion of business initiatives. Global CyD contacted us to design and develop their corporate website that would reflect the identity and scope of their business group, aiming to enhance their digital presence and project a fresh image to users.

Some of the challenges were...

Global CyD, aimed for a bold, interactive website experience. While the design dazzled, translating those features into a user-friendly, functional website proved tricky. The development team struggled to bridge the gap between visual appeal and technical feasibility within budget constraints. This case highlights the importance of clear communication between designers and developers early in the process.


Technology and Development

Service purchased

Corporate website highlighting the various divisions and services offered by Grupo Global CyD. Responsive and functional designs were implemented to ensure an optimal user experience.

Main challenge

Global CyD group required a personalized approach for their website that encompassed multiple business sectors and conveyed a professional and cohesive image.

Grupo Global CyD required a personalized approach for their websites that encompassed multiple business sectors and conveyed a professional and cohesive image.

<p><strong style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Angular</strong></p>


Angular is a tool for developing web applications capable of scaling from small projects to enterprise platforms.

<p><strong style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-color: rgb(6, 6, 6);">Firebase</strong></p>


Firebase is a set of backend cloud computing services and application development platforms provided by Google

In conclusion

In conclusion translating a visually stunning, complex design into a user-friendly website. Our solution? Close collaboration between designers and developers. The result? Global CyD website stands out, captivating users with its innovative features and driving engagement. This project proves that complex design can be a powerful tool for building a strong digital presence, when executed with clear communication and technical expertise.